Publications and Presentations


  • Lobo, J., Aggarwal, R.M., Alberti, M., Allen-Dumas, M., Bettencourt, L.M., Boone, C., Brelsford, C., Broto, V.C., Eakin, H., Bagchi-Sen, S. and Meerow, S. Integration of urban science and urban climate adaptation research: opportunities to advance climate action. npj Urban Sustain 3, 1–9 (2023).
  • Wang, M., Passalacqua, P., Cai, S., & Dawson, C. (2024). C-HAND: Near Real-Time Coastal Flood Mapping. Frontiers in Water, 6, 1329109. [published] [acknowledgement of federal support (yes)]
  • Haselbach, L., Niroula, R. & Feizbahr, M. (2024). Green buffers near industrial plants, examples in Jefferson County TX. Spatial Information Research, 1-12. [published] [acknowledgement of federal support (yes)]

Books and other non-periodical, one-time publications

  • Dupont, E., N. Garcia, C. Huang, A. Odusote, K. Rath, N. Rosenheim. (2023) “State of the Community Report for Beaumont-Port Arthur, Texas Metropolitan Area: 2020 Population and Economic Technical Report.” DesignSafe-CI. v1

Other publications, conference papers and presentations

  • Liv Haselbach and Qin Qian. (2024, Apr). Sustainable Stormwater Examples in Southeast Texas. ASCE EWRI SW Operation & Maintenance of Stormwater Systems Conference, Austin, TX. [oral presentation]
  • Farzana Ahmed. (2024, Apr). Leveraging Participatory Geographic Information System (PGIS) in Social Vulnerability Mapping for Equitable Hazard Mitigation: A Case Study on Beaumont-Port Arthur, Southeast Texas. 2024 South Central Climate Resilience Forum, Dallas, TX. [oral presentation]
  • Mitchell B. Fountain. (2024, Mar). Preliminary Data Analysis in Urban Heat Island Mitigation Benefits of Pervious Concrete Systems. Lamar University Graduate Research Symposium, Beaumont, TX. [poster presentation]
  • Sk. Moumita Manjur, (2024, Mar). Study on Factors Affecting the Dispersion of Pollutant Chemical in Unplanned Release. Lamar University Graduate Research Symposium, Beaumont, TX. [poster presentation]
  • Galen Newman. (2024, Mar). Analyzing the Role of Green Space in Business Recovery Following Tropical Storm Imelda in Beaumont and Port Arthur, Texas. Council of Educators for Landscape Architecture, St. Louis, MO. [oral presentation]
  • Christa Brelford. (2024, Mar). “Urban-Climate Security Risks and Opportunities. National Academies Climate Security Roundtable (CSRT),Washington DC. [oral presentation and panel]
  • Farzana Ahmed. (2024, Feb). Leveraging Participatory Geographic Information System (PGIS) in Social Vulnerability Mapping for Equitable Hazard Mitigation: A Case Study on Beaumont-Port Arthur, Southeast Texas. Disaster PRIMR, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. [poster presentation]
  • Liv Haselbach, Mitchell B. Fountain et al.. (2024, FEB). Efficacy of Underground Aggregate Infiltration Beds Under a Permeable Pavement System. National Center for Transportation, Infrastructure Durability & Life-Extension (TriDurLe), Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. [oral presentation]
  • Matthew Hoch and Benjamin Sulman. (2024, Feb) Early Outcomes of C-biogeochemistry Modeling of Chenier Plain Coastal Marsh with Variable Natural and Managed Salinity and Elevation Dynamics”, Gulf of Mexico Conference 2024 (GOMCON), 2024. [oral presentation]
  • Paola Passalacqua. (2024, Feb). “SETx-UIFL: Equitable solutions for communities caught between floods and air pollution”, 2024 American Meteorological Society (AMS) Conference, Baltimore, MD.
  • Christa Brelford. (2024, Feb). Cities, Climate Change, and Disease:  How can Science help Humanity Solve Big Problems? Urban Systems Science Joint Colloquium Series, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD. [lecture]
  • Christa Brelford. (2024, Jan). Cities, Climate Change, and Disease:  How can Science help Humanity Solve Big Problems? Bowen Center for the Study of the Family: Professional Lecture Series, online. [lecture]
  • Katherine Lieberknecht. (2024, Jan). Interdisciplinary, Applied Climate Research: Planet Texas 2050. The University of Texas at Austin Marine Science Institute Research Collab Retreat, Austin, TX. [oral presentation]
  • Gabriel Perez, Ethan Coon, Saubhagya S Rathore and Phong V. V. Le. (2024, Feb). Advancing Flood Frequency Analysis with an Integrated Surface-Subsurface Model and Realistic Stochastic Storm Catalogs. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023, Rockville, MD. [poster presentation]
  • Ifeanyichukwu Nduka, Cameron Cummins, Lochana Kalyanaraman, Phong V. V. Le, Ethan Coon, Gabriel Perez, Liv Haselbach, Yosuke Kimura, Elena McDonald-Buller, Paola Passalacqua and Geeta Persad. (2024, Feb). Statistical downscaling of NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 data to ultra-high resolution in the southeast Texas region. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023, Rockville, MD. [poster presentation]
  • Mark D Wang, Paola Passalacqua, and Hamed Moftakhari. (2024, Feb). Quantifying Compound Flooding in Southeast Texas: A Novel Approach for Assessing Impacts on Communities and Infrastructure. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023, Rockville, MD. [poster presentation]
  • Lochana Kalyanaraman, Ifeanyichukwu Chidiebele Nduka, Cameron Cummins and Geeta Persad. (2024, Feb). Developing an Index to Understand Large-scale Rainfall Patterns in Southeast Texas. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023, Rockville, MD. [poster presentation]
  • Phong V. V. Le, Geeta Persad, Gabriel Perez, Saubhagya S Rathore, Ifeanyichukwu Chidiebele Nduka and Ethan Coon. (2024, Feb). Evaluating tropical cyclone projections downscaled from the Energy Exascale Earth System Model. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023, Rockville, MD. [poster presentation]
  • Evelyn Deveraux, Daniel Blomdahl, Chou Hsien Lin, Kerry Kinney, Elena McDonald-Buller, Yosuke Kimura, Liv Haselbach, Greg Yarwood, Chris Emery and Pawel K Misztal. (2024, Feb). Odor Fingerprinting and Chemical Toxicity Estimates from Gas-Phase Mobile Measurements in Southeast Texas. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023, Rockville, MD. [oral presentation]
  • Benjamin N. Sulman, Jiaze Wang, Sophie LaFond-Hudson, Teri O’Meara, Fengming Yuan, Sergi Molins, Glen Hammond, Inke Forbrich, Zoe Cardon, and Anne Giblin. (2024, Feb). Integrating tide-driven wetland soil redox and biogeochemical interactions into a land surface model. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023, Rockville, MD. [poster presentation]
  • Galen Newman. (2023, Dec). Catalyzing Resilience: Green Infrastructure’s Impact on Business Recovery from Tropical Storm Imelda in Beaumont, Texas. National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences Annual Superfund Conference, Albuquerque, NM. [oral presentation]
  • William Mobley. (2023, Nov). Integrating SETx-UIFL with ESS-Dive. ESS-DIVE Open Data Workshop, Virtual workshop. [oral presentation]
  • Sk. Moumita Manjur and Sidney Lin. (2023, Nov). Study of Impacts of Air Velocity, Ambient Temperature and Terrain on Chemical Diffusion in Unplanned Release. AIChE Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. [oral presentation]
  • Galen Newman. (2023, Aug). Adoption of Urban Greenspace Solutions as a Means for Public Health Improvement. International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) 2023 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. [oral presentation]

Other products

  • “Sustainable Stormwater, Co-Design, and the Southeast Texas Urban Integrated Field Laboratory.” Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas, March 21, 2023. 
  • Smith, Carrie. “Summary Report of Existing Plans for the Beaumont-Port Arthur Area.” April 2023.
  • Ma, Yeuying and Carrie Smith. “Green and Grey Strategy Catalog.” May 2023.
  • Luo L ; Leite F (2023): Aerial Photos Capture and Data Collection in Beaumont-Port Arthur Region in Feb and Oct, 2023. Southeast Texas Urban Integrated Field Laboratory (SETx UIFL) – Equitable solutions for communities caught between floods and air pollution, ESS-DIVE repository. Dataset. doi:10.15485/1971120 accessed via on 2023-10-31.
  • Resilient Horizons: Co-Designing Climate Solutions in Southeast Texas – SETx-UIFL (2023), AGU23,