PP at DOE meeting

SETx-UIFL Joins First PI Annual Meeting for Urban IFL projects

PP at DOE meeting
Rockville, MD. Dr. Paola Passalacqua, SETx-UIFL Lead PI, gives an overview talk on SETx-UIFL project.

On September 27-28th, the U.S. Department of Energy hosted the 2023 Urban IFL PI meeting in Rockville, MD. This marked the first annual meeting for the four Urban IFL projects, including CROCUS (Chicago, IL), SETx-UIFL (Southeast Texas), BSEC (Baltimore, MD), and SW-IFL (AZ). During the meeting, each Urban IFL project had opportunities to update on their progress, identify future research needs as well as discuss and suggest ideas to foster important collaborations among Urban IFLs and scientists in the upcoming years.

Our vision is to provide better data, modelling, and planning to support climate adaptation in SETx and the Gulf region.”

Paola Passalacqua
PM DOE meeting
Rockville, MD. Dr. Pawel Misztal discusses Air team’s poster in the poster session.

Fifteen SETx-UIFL members joined the meeting, including representatives from three major themes (Environment, Co-design, and Equity), activity areas and knowledge management platform. During the event, our members participated in poster and breakout sessions covered topics such as community engagement and co-design, climate scale modelling, education and workforce development, atmosphere and hydrology, and data and software management.

LH DOE meeting
Rockville, MD. Dr. Liv Haselbach leads the Education and Workforce Development breakout.

More information on the 2023 Annual Principal Investigators’ Meeting can be found here.



